Investing in Australia
Investing in Australia's Future
After many years of outperformance, Australia has become less attractive to investors.
Measured by headline GDP growth, Australia has been one of the stand-out performers in the developed world for many years. This said, a variety of economic, technological and environmental challenges have begun to create material headwinds:
Fixed capital formation has fallen (as a percentage of GDP) to the lowest level in 40 years
Foreign investment into Australia has fallen significantly over the last decade, and major Australian investors are now exporting significant amounts of capital
Real wage growth remains stubbornly low
Perhaps most tellingly, Australia's stock market has grown more slowly than the economy as a whole - dramatically different from the USA and China, and even major European stock-markets.
Our report "Investing in Australia's Future" provides commercial perspective on inbound and outbound investment activity involving Australia, supported by quantitative and qualitative evidence. Commissioned by the Business Council of Australia in November 2021 with a focus on considering the potential factors that may be driving falling fixed capital formation, our analysis supplements existing macro-economic analysis and provide front-lines perspective from within Australia and offshore.