Future of Society
The Future of Society: Work and the Robot Revolution
The dawn of the robot revolution is here. After two centuries of the automation of tasks, we now see the automation of decision-making. The prospects are both exciting and terrifying. Harnessed in the right way, AI and machine learning can drive dramatic reductions in the cost of living and improvements in social prosperity. But if the wrong decisions are made, many leading economies may experience a deflationary death spiral. In short, there is phenomenal opportunity and extreme risk for companies and governments.
There is little doubt that the impact of automation and artificial intelligence will be extensive, and will effect many industries. Importantly, there will also be profound effects on society as a whole. Many commentators advocate complacency, suggesting new jobs will appear to replace those that are lost.
The evidence of history, however, is that this will not happen rapidly enough. Growth will slow further, the polarisation of wealth will continue, and social tensions will increase. Ultimately, this will lead to pressure for revolutionary societal change, posing significant risk to economic and political norms. Those at the top of today's pyramid have the most to lose.
Our paper argues that proactive measures are essential to limit the more negative effects of the unfolding Robot Revolution. We provide a comprehensive set of solutions from which country or industry-specific responses can be selected, which are adaptable across the political spectrum. We also provide a framework to explain our ongoing quantitative analysis, which will allow assessment of the likely impact of alternative policy settings at a national level.
This conceptual platform and the associated systems dynamics models will allow us to assess risk and opportunity for individual countries, industries or individual companies. Subsequent to this work, Pottinger has supported and contrinbuted to the Earth4All initiative, which has delivered the quantitative models in question. For further information, please contact us using the link below.