Sugarcane Industry
The Australian sugarcane industry has released its first whole-of-industry vision and roadmap
In 2022, Pottinger advised the Australian sugarcane industry on the development of its long-term industry plan and roadmap. The roadmap sets out a series of actions in the near, medium, and longer term, to strengthen and build the industry while charting a path to a bigger, bolder future.
This important industry-wide project was jointly funded and supported by Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia, Sugar Research Australia, CANEGROWERS, Australian Sugar Milling Council, AgForce, Australian Cane Farmers Association and Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Developing the roadmap involved extensive engagement across the sugarcane industry supply chain to co-develop a blueprint for the future. You can access the Sugar Plus industry plan and roadmap at this link. A short video about the project and roadmap is available here.